Thursday, December 13, 2007


Originally uploaded by blackcatsynthesist
Fundamentals of Fashion Final


Originally uploaded by blackcatsynthesist
Fundamentals of Fashion Final


Originally uploaded by blackcatsynthesist
Fundamentals of Fashion Final

Monday, November 26, 2007

Fundamentals of Fashion 11-07

Originally uploaded by blackcatsynthesist
Probably my least favorite of the three, but some parts are interesting. I like the shade of red I ended up with, I spent a long time layering on the grays....this is in general based on "music" since I wanted to stay away from just remaking the hipster uniform. I slapped the exclamation looking decoration as a nod to my Utena obsession. I haven't watched that in like 6 years but that makes it no less awesome

Fundamentals of Fashion 11-07

Originally uploaded by blackcatsynthesist
Same project, this one is based on Confucius. You can kind of tell. This is actually too over the top for men's wear I think, but I enjoy it

Fundamentals of Fashion 11-07

Originally uploaded by blackcatsynthesist
A small project for my funadmentals class...this was actually inspired by Oscar Wilde, and specifically Lady Windermere's Fan. But you can't tell

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I am waiting
for Godot
for a signal

a dealer or a healer

make me sick or make me well but right now

all I am is tired

and Sound Reasoning has stood me up so many times
I don't even turn on the proch light anymore

so come on over
and fill up an evening