Monday, June 1, 2009

Senior Thesis

I've barely scratched the surface of research for my Senior Thesis and everything keeps expanding rather than crystallizing. I guess there's still plenty of time, but it seems so crazy. I'm supposed to fit everything I want to communicate into 3/4 ensembles? I'm definitely feeling like it's more important to showcase the extend of my patterning ability rather than focus on my own viewpoint, since my aesthetic is pretty minimal...

I tossed around the idea of focusing on all the years that Bonnie & Clyde where alive, but I've decided to just concentrate on 1931-34, the years they were active as robbers and car thieves but even that is just feeling unwieldy. I may need to just stick with American designers, or maybe even just focus on their own wardrobes. But I don't want to focus on them as much as to try to strive for what they were striving for, as best as I can figure. What makes a person do what they did? That's what I want to capture.

I think I'm doing anything to avoid working on my Mod article. I used to feel so confidant in my writing but the last year or so it's just been impossible. There's such a disconnect between what I feel and what I write down. The skeleton is there but the behind just doesn't come through.

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